
Miracles Happen

I watched Oprah yesterday and was so emotional as I heard of the story of the Coble family who lost their three children, Kyle, Emma and Katie in a horrific car accident. Lori Coble, the mother that was driving at the time of the crash had been stuck in the slow lane due to traffic when a big rig slammed into the back of the minivan going approximately 55 mph. Lori made it out alive but her three children had died. Lori and her husband Chris showed how they grieved the loss of their children and how difficult life had been since the accident in 2007. They had made a pact to one another to never give up on eachother and take their lives as much as this thought had crossed their minds at times.

Tears rolled down my eyes as I imagined a house full of three beautiful children playing and coming into an empty house after the accident, the silence must have been a painful reminder of what had happened. This story is a true testament that everyone goes through struggles, some more extreme than others, and when you feel you can't make it through life it's essential to put your faith in God and lean on your family for support.

Life can change in the blink of an eye, make sure that you soak up all it has to offer.

The most miraculous part of this story was that Lori and Chris had decided to have children soon after their children had passed in hopes this would fill the void and emptiness in the house and their lives. Lori found out she was pregnant with triplets, two girls and one boy. This story sent chills down my spine, to have triplets of the same sexes of their children that had passed is truly amazing. Although the family is still grieving and will be for the rest of their lives they are able to build a family while never forgetting the memory of the children who had passed at too young of an age. Chris and Lori demonstrate what it means to be a courageous fighter that didn't give up despite the horrible situation that occured. Miraculous stories like these are a constant reminder that God is present and watching down on us and we have to have faith that those who are taken from us are being taken care of.

“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”
-Henry Ford
"The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God."

1 comment:

bbense said...

I watched this Oprah and was so emotional - I thought about it for a few days after as well. I could not get it off my mind. I don't think I will ever forget their story. The miracle of the triplets is just truly miraculous... there is no better word to describe it. I'm so glad you watched it because I've asked other friends if they saw it and none had! I don't think I've cried so much from an episode before. What's crazy is where the accident occurred is RIGHT by Robby's house - less than 1/2 mile from there. Robby and his parents remember the day this happened, because his dad was driving home from work and it took hours to get home. They had the news story about it shortly after. It's just heartbreaking.
I just wanted you to know how much I always enjoyed watching Oprah with you at McCollum. I LOVE the 20th anniversary DVD set, and I think of you whenever I watch her show. :)